Corporate Mobile Phones Contract Procurement



REPORT TO; Assistant Director for Technology


DECISION DATE: 12th September 2024


SUPPORTING ANNEX; This report includes a supporting Annex which contains exempt information as described in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).



To undertake a procurement exercise to award a contract to a mobile network provider for all North Yorkshire Council corporate mobile phones.




There are currently eight mobile phone contracts in place across the previous districts with a range of providers and varying contract end dates. NYC are looking to award one contract to provide Mobile Voice and Data services across the whole council geography. The requirement will consist of approximately 8,500 connections for NYC staff of which approximately 8250 will be voice/data packages and 250 will be data only. The council are looking to have a shared data bundle across all connections.




The procurement exercise will be undertaken by the Council’s Procurement and Contract Management Service, with a Gateway report considered in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Procedure Rules.


This is a key decision.  The Corporate Mobile Phones contract was entered on the forward plan in July 2024.



To procure a contract for provision of North Yorkshire Council’s Corporate Mobile Phone contracts. The contract will replace 8 separate contracts that are currently in place across the previous county and district council boundaries.